I earned my doctoral and master's degrees in second language acquisition from the University of Maryland, College Park, and hold an MA in translation and a BA in teaching English as a foreign language from the Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow, Russia.
I have 20 years of experience in second language acquisition research and education, have taught English and Russian at K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels, developed curricula, learning materials and assessment instruments in multiple languages, and taught various teacher education courses.
My research interests concern cognitive and instructional aspects of second language (L2) acquisition and processing of grammar, TESOL, development of advanced linguistic proficiency, L2 writing development, and effective instructional interventions.

Above: Receiving the M. Bender Teaching Award at the 2014 Faculty Honors Ceremony from GWU's Provost Steve Lerman (far right) and President Steven Knapp (far left) (Photo credit: William Atkins).
TESOL, English Academic Writing, L2 Professional Communication
University of Maryland, College Park
PhD in second language acquisition,School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
PhD program in Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education
MA in second language acquisition and application
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Acquisition and Processing of Grammar in L2
Development of Advanced Proficiency in L2
Development of Instructional and Assessment Materials
Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow
MA in translation, Graduate School of Translation and Interpreting
BA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (secondary specialization: teaching French as a foreign language), Department of Education